A powerful method used to remove energetic intrusions or thought forms that may be causing imbalance or disruption in your life.

  • Category: Shamanism
  • Service Duration: 02:00 Hours
  • Price:£90



Extractions: Removing Intrusions

In shamanic practice, extractions are a powerful method used to remove energetic intrusions or thought forms that may be causing imbalance or disruption in your life. These intrusions can manifest as negative energies, blockages, or attachments that hinder your well-being.

During Extractions, I, as your shamanic practitioner, will enter a deeply focused state to identify and extract these intrusions from your energetic field. Through the guidance of spirit allies and utilising ancient techniques, I facilitate the removal of these unwanted energies with care and precision.

Benefits of Extractions:

  • Clearing: Release energetic blockages and negative influences.
  • Healing: Restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.
  • Empowerment: Enhance your personal growth and spiritual journey.

Embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace and vitality with Extractions. Experience the profound healing that comes from reclaiming your true essence and embracing a life of alignment and wholeness.

* If you believe a session would be highly beneficial but find the listed price unaffordable, please contact me to discuss. I am confident we can reach an arrangement that works for us both.