Christos is a simple process to help your mind to travel to your past life, or help you recall your subconscious memories.

  • Category: Past Life Regression
  • Service Duration: 02:00 Hours
  • Price:£90



* For this method of Past Life Regression - Christos - you will need to bring a trusted family member or friend to attend the session. This person will be tasked with lightly massaging your ankles right at the beginning of your session (this is part of Christos method to induce hypnosis) and take notes of what you recall during the session.

This is a guided visualisation session in which you will recall your past life or subconscious memories, which may have negative repercussions in your daily life, to be digested and neutralised. It is helpful in understanding patterning or a particular aspect of a pattern in your life, which may not necessarily be serving you. You don't have to believe in past life; it is a method of using your creative imagination.

Christos is a simple process to help your mind to travel to your past life. You don't have to believe in past life; it is a method of using your creative imagination. It is inbuilt with Christos that you are detached from emotion. It is a technique of 'journeying' to your subconscious safely whether you believe in past life or not.

Typically you will recall/imagine a life story in sequence, which relates to a current issue you are facing. You are able to review your memories, good parts as well as unfulfilled parts, from a higher perspective to digest and neutralise the issues they have created in this life time.

Typically after the session, the client will feel a sense of release from long-standing, often unexplainable, undigested feelings.

'Consciousness, no matter how extensive it may be, must always remain the smaller circle within the greater circle of the unconscious, an island surrounded by the sea; and, like the sea itself, the unconscious yields an endless and self-replenishing abundance of living creatures, a wealth beyond our fathoming.'
- Carl Jung

* There will be light physical contact

* If you believe a session would be highly beneficial but find the listed price unaffordable, please contact me to discuss. I am confident we can reach an arrangement that works for us both.